Terms of Service

Welcome to Yatzar Simulation. If you are here on our website, it means you’re interested in our simulator facility.

We are also happy that you are taking some time to read our Terms of Service.

This page is very important since it informs you of the guidelines of our website.

As a visitor, you should be aware of the guidelines of all the websites you visit.

Each and every website has its own set of guidelines and it’s best that you’re aware of them.

The guidelines stated in our Terms of Service are pretty simple but you should still be in the know.

Refrain From Sending Messages That Are Offensive.

This website should NEVER be used to relay any kind of offensive messages.

We are not going to tolerate inquiries, comments, or emails that reflect any kind of hatred, discrimination, or personal vendetta.

Click The X Button To Exit

Yes, you can just click the X button to exit, if you are not interested in trying out our facility.

Changes In The Terms Of Service Are Only Posted Here

This page is bound to be updated in the near future. From time to time, the Terms of Service will be modified.

You will not be sent any emails. The only way for you to be in the know is by reading this page.

It’s not enough that you read this page once because you will miss out on the updates.

Hence, take a few minutes to scan this page for changes each time you visit my website.

Click here to see our Privacy Policy.